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Thinking about Balance and Compromise: The Wisdom of the New Moon in LIBRA 2021

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom

We are living in challenging times. How do you find peace and balance when opinions and conflicts loom large? The best answers are not simplistic, one-size-fits-all strategies, but rather are those successful solutions customized for you that originate from timeless wisdom. 

The new moon arrives in the poised and graceful sign of Libra, which brings new clarity to help us improve harmony and diplomacy and overcome difficulty in our world now. The overall awareness favors a more elegant, peaceful, and conciliatory demeanor. It is a time for applying ourselves toward our highest goals of happier social interactions and leaping above the fray of negativity, destruction, and harm.

Libra time of year has us thinking not only about our own wants and needs, but also the desires of others, who are somehow associated with us. Partners, partnerships and every type of relationship from friends to marriage to coworkers to community groups are included! Even national and global connections are on our hearts and minds, when we realize we are all interconnected.

The moon in Libra brings renewed energy for beautifying ourselves and our world.

This new energy can bring leadership and influence when needed.

Prioritize working toward what will bring you fulfillment, especially goals that might benefit your relationships.

Joy Strong Wisdom Libra New Moon Astrology

Libra reminds us to be patient, kind and thoughtful. Symbolized by the scales of justice, it stands for balance and considering more than one view as you weigh your options and find the most moderate and effective approaches. As you contemplate more diplomacy, you also set the example for others to do the same.

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.’”

C.S. Lewis

The new moon brings a burst of fresh energy and much needed renewal. This energy strives to be diplomatic, graceful and clear. Libra sets the tone on prioritizing harmony and agreement, and while that may not feel as forceful as other signs might come across, the universal powers of discernment, cooperation, negotiation, and compromise are stronger than ever now.

Libra also represents the much needed gifts of grace and ease, which can increase under the blessing of the new moon, when our thoughts and feelings are most naturally in sync. Things are automatically easier when we are living in alignment with what is bigger than ourselves. The new moon is the positive, monthly energetic boost and our best opportunity to plant new seeds for whatever you wish to bring into the world.

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The powerhouse planets of Saturn, Uranus, Mars, and Mercury all get involved now. The overall energy pushes mindful action, though curveballs may come into play as well. With challenges to the Libra energy, it is important to stand strong in poised leadership no matter what surprises occur. Let’s delve into the details.

The planetary details you need to know:

The intuitive Moon joins the consciously aware Sun in Libra to set the collective agenda on relationships, justice and peace. But first, the Moon links up with dutiful Saturn to inspire us to maintain discipline, courtesy of a harmonious trine between the two. This position favors intelligent and innovative approaches for handling our obligations since Saturn is now in brilliant Aquarius. The bottom line: Pay attention to what you are working on as you think outside the box.

Whatever we are working hard to achieve can come to fruition over the next few weeks when we maintain our focus, even in the face of snafus or delays. So stay dedicated while avoiding self-sabotaging indecision, worry, and any weakness in commitment to your goals. Transformation and opportunities continue to arrive as a result of our sincere efforts and dedication during this time frame.

Next, the moon opposes Chiron, the healing asteroid. This planetary configuration means that mind-body-spirit remedies may work fast, however, it can also be damaging to push too hard or impulsively. Find the balance between bold ideas and fast action, and strive to discern patience and care, as well as enthusiasm for the cures that you hope may alleviate your ails.

Meanwhile, initiator Mars in nonconfrontational Libra challenges changemaker Uranus in stubborn Taurus, and the Sun also does the same. Any wishy-washy thoughts, indecisive feelings, or gentle actions may get thwarted by more solid and pushy agendas. Stand firm in your wisdom, stay balanced, and take a deep breath, should you be caught off guard by an unexpected obstacle.

Strong support comes as Mars connects directly with the moon, and then Mercury does the same, which heightens the energy and mood. You may find that you have better ideas or feel more clarity about what actions you want to take to move ahead at this time. Again, the Libra themes are most prevalent, so think: harmony, peace and beautifying the world around you.

Remember Mercury still in retrograde favors extra planning, revision, and refinement before implementation. Especially related to communications, travel, and technology matters. Doublecheck all details very carefully. And with Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron all in retrograde motion, this may be even more the case than usual. Fortunately, the next two weeks see Pluto, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn all coming out of retrograde, beginning with Pluto today!

Pluto moving direct on the same day as the new moon indicates that the month ahead will feature some major life themes and issues. Pluto rules life and death matters, as well as transformation. Use this time to really get clear on what your priorities are in your life and clear away what is no longer serving your highest and best life.


“He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.”

Marcus Aurelius

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom
Questions to Ask Transparent

New moons are ideal times for envisioning, planning, and initiating whatever we want to create in our livesAnswering timely questions is a great way to enhance and expand your current awareness. For even more clarity and inspiration, record your responses. Writing activates a deeper part of your consciousness. The best practice is to keep a journal, which will also give you something to look back on over time and can reveal even more wisdom and insight about all that you aspire to be.


Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom

  • What can I do to be more decisive and clear in my thinking?

  • How can I be a better team player?



  • Where can I demonstrate more poise and elegance in how I come across?

  • How can I best use leadership, diplomacy, and negotiation in my daily life?

  • What can I do to improve any tendency toward codependency behaviors?

  • How can I stop aimless debate and unhelpful confrontations?


Want to get started with your own journal worksheet of these questions? It’s easy! Just click below and sign up now:

Remember life becomes easier when we respect these themes, honor the seasonal cycles to more fully connect with our highest ideals.

(Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to find out where this moon will likely affect YOU the most.)

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Your intention making is always powerfully enhanced during the new moon phase. It is a great time to envision all you want to become and bring into your life. When you are truly focused, and boosted by this right timing, whatever your heart desires can manifest more easily now. These are the topics which are especially starred during this time and might inspire you:

Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology WisdomRELATIONSHIPS, partners, MARRIAGE, contracts, legal matters, SHARING, interdependence, negotiations, COLLABORATIONS, cooperation, equity, BALANCE, equality, appreciation of opposing viewpoints, counseling, FAIRNESS, RESOLUTION, diplomacy, AFFINITY FOR OTHERS, sociability, balanced thinking, leadership, teamwork, AGREEMENTS, giving and receiving support, JUSTICE, politics, POISE, PEACE, sociability, TACT, civility, grace, POLITENESS, manners, EQUALITY, beauty, fashion, luxury, ART, elegance, refinement, good taste, decorating, ENTERTAINING, beautifying, HARMONY, harmonizing, peace making, and in the physical body: the kidneys and adrenal glands.


Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom

“Someone to tell it to is one of the fundamental needs of human beings.”


Miles Franklin

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Joy Strong Libra New Moon Astrology Wisdom

Each new moon has a different affect. Depending on your sun sign and rising sign, specific areas of your life can be activated. Look below for more ideas of what to focus on during this time:

ARIES: partners, business & legal matters

TAURUS: daily schedule, work, service, health and pets

GEMINI: creativity, romance, pleasure & leisure

CANCER: home, family, security and property matters

LEO: communications, siblings and local travel

VIRGO: wealth, values, assets and self-worth

LIBRA: body appearance, attitude & outlook

SCORPIO: subconscious, dreams, karma and secrets

SAGITTARIUS: friends, allies, groups, and BIG wishes

CAPRICORN: career, public image, honor and social status

AQUARIUS: wisdom, education, belief, travel, sport & luck

PISCES: shared power and assets, credit or debt, sexuality


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The new moon is the ideal time to set purposeful intentions. Whether you write them in words, use photos, or draw images of your ideas, creating something original that resonates with you is what makes it powerful. Whatever method you use, try to craft your intentions as soon as you can right AFTER the new moon is exact. Ideally, finish writing them within the first day.

The 2021 Libra new moon is exact on Wednesday, October 6th at 4:05am Pacific Time and at 7:05am Eastern Time.


Dear Reader,

The planetary positions offer amazing insight! Great astrologers are interpreters and guides for you. Please use the information contained in this writing to affirm your inner knowing, simplify your best choices, clarify your thoughts & feelings, and enrich your life experience. Be sure to stay informed of all moon updates and receive special offers by subscribing. Your support, thoughts, questions and comments are always appreciated. Please do not hesitate to reach out for clarification or more information. Sign up here for my guided meditation for greater success with more ease.

Love and magical blessings to you!

© 2021.  All Rights Reserved.

If you are unsure about which direction to take, or you just need a boost to your clarity and confidence, this is also an exceptional time to get serious about who you are and your future direction. You are invited to start here: understanding your sacred soul purpose.


Joy Strong Moon Astrology Wisdom


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